Jovanotti: Lorenzo Negli Stadi Backup Tour
The show of the year documented in video format! Passion, technology, innovation, fun, joy, rhythm, energy. In a word: Lorenzo! The 2013 summer stadium tour show left an unforgettable impression on everyone, offering a night full of creative ideas, live music, video art, video interaction and experiments. The entire, full length, uninterrupted concert. The setlist comprising more than 30 songs is built on 25 years of extraordinary hits and classic songs that have left an impression on our lives, personally an collectively. The closely linked connection between the individual and the collective binds, Jovanotti to his audience in a "one to one" rapport as well as the "one to many" experience, which combine to make his shows so moving and exciting, with all the positive joy, strength and enthusiasm they release.A concert by Jovanotti is a true experience that leaves an indelible mark, the biggest open-air party ever organized for a show.
Starring Nicolò Cerioni, Leandro Manuel Emede, Max Brun