Dead End Drive-In

Dead End Drive-In

Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith • 1986 • Australia
Starring Ned Manning, Natalie McCurry, Peter Whitford

Among the wave of dystopian-themed Ozploitation films that followed in the wake of MAD MAX, cult auteur Brian Trenchard-Smith’s DEAD END DRIVE-IN stands out for its neon-splashed style, satirical social commentary, New Wave soundtrack, and legendary stunts. In a crime-ravaged near future, juvenile delinquents have been interred in drive-in theaters, where they are kept placated by movies, pop music, drugs, and junk food. When teenage lovers Crabs (Ned Manning) and Carmen (Natalie McCurry) inadvertently become trapped in one such cinematic prison, they must resist brainwashing in order to break free.

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Dead End Drive-In
  • Dead End Drive-In

    Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith • 1986 • Australia
    Starring Ned Manning, Natalie McCurry, Peter Whitford

    Among the wave of dystopian-themed Ozploitation films that followed in the wake of MAD MAX, cult auteur Brian Trenchard-Smith’s DEAD END DRIVE-IN stands out for its neon-splashed style, sat...