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Primal Rage

Primal Rage

Directed by Vittorio Rambaldi

A scientist at a Florida university inadvertently creates a "rage virus" while performing experiments intended to restore dead brain tissue in baboons.

A baboon infected with a "rage virus" escapes from a lab.

Cast: Patrick Lowe, Cheryl Arutt, Sarah Buxton

Member Reviews

it was a good 80s horror movie

13 hours ago

You see the balls on that guy? WOAH

1 month ago

Fun 80s horror movie. Ridiculous Halloween party with costumes only an Italian writer that has never seen an American Halloween party could create. Bonus - the mad doctor's baby ponytail - 5 skulls.

1 month ago

I can't figure out why I keep wanting to rewatch this movie! Not good in a lot of respects, but turn your brain off fun.

2 months ago

Very good movie. A lot of people from the 60`S would like this.

3 months ago