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'M' is an old woman who lives adrift: a lonely shadow that crosses her own geography every day. She spends her days dreaming about her past, until one day she finds something very similar to her - an ant. M decides to share her world haunted by nostalgic memories and a dark presence, until the day a "mechanical angel" arrives to help her...
  • Year
  • Runtime
    80 minutes
  • Language
    No Language
  • Country
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Aldo Salvini
  • Screenwriter
    Aldo Salvini
  • Producer
    Macarena Coello, Julio Wissar
  • Executive Producer
    Gerardo Arias
  • Cast
    Haydeé Cáceres, Bruno Balbuena, Sergio Velasco
  • Editor
    Sandra Rodriguez
  • Sound Design
    Mauricio López