Buffalo Girls

  • 8.1 10
  • 2012
  • 64min

Buffalo Girls tells the story of two 8-year-old-girls, Stam and Pet, both professional Muay Thai prizefighters. Set in small villages throughout rural Thailand, the film chronicles these young girls' emotional and sometimes heartbreaking journey as they fight in small underground arenas to win prize-money to help provide for their families.

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Sundance Film Festival/ Slamdance Film Festival/ Human Rights Arts and Film Festival/ Film and Human Rights Festival/ 

Buffalo Gils, inside the child-boxing circuit in Thailand

Sam and Pet, two 8-year-old girls from rural Thailand make a living fighting in a vibrant child-boxing circuit. With the money they make, more tan 30.000 girls help their families to survive poverty while many others profit from the bets made by mostly eager male bettors. 

Buffalo Girls takes us into the bowels of this controversial sport, not only on the ring but also to get to know the training spaces, betting strategies and, above all, the implications of the parents and relatives of the girls, who support their training as they depend on their performance to have an income.

Director Todd Kellstein's camera is not there to question the reasons why these parents allow their daughters to fight in such harsh conditions (with no teeth protections or helmets) although the authot is always there to interrogate everyone about the part they play in this business.

Todd Kellstein
Todd Kellstein Director

Production Companies

Union Entertainment Group (II)

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