I Love You: A Divorce Comedy
Marianne is 44, she is married to Gustav and they have two teenagers. The passion between Marianne and Gustav has been gone for awhile and all that is left is a conventional, sexless relationship. Marianne has had enough. She wants a divorce or at least a separation! She wants to live life to its fullest and take full advantage of the single life. Gustav on the other hand is confused by the whole situation and in a moment of madness makes a rash decision and quits his life to become a poet. Things get even more complicated when Marianne meets Rudolfo, an exciting, sensitive and impulsive artist who is nothing like Gustav. Because suddenly Gustav realizes that he might not be ready to give up on Marianne.
Starring Björn Kjellman, Christine Meltzer, Rodolfo Corsato
Director Johan Brisinger