
History/Environment, United States/United Kingdom 2015

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In 1968, the biggest TV audience in history tuned in to watch the crew of Apollo 8 make its most important discovery in space: our planet. That voyage would result in the iconic, “Earthrise” image, driving home the powerful and simple ideas concerning our vulnerability in the universe and the interconnectedness of life on our planet. It is these grainy television images that would galvanize many and jumpstart the burgeoning environmental movement. More than half a century on, humankind seems to suffer from a lack of perspective. We overlook the indisputable fact that all life is connected and all life forms are interrelated. The film PLANETARY is the ultimate wake-up call, provocative and breathtaking. The cinematic journey takes us across all continents in search of our cosmic origins and the future of our species. It is a poetically poignant call to look around us anew. PLANETARY forces us to question who we really are, how we should treat each other and the environment, with the goal of reminding us that we are "planetarians".
85 min
Starting at 6
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Further titles:

Die Erde unsere Heimat

Die Erde unsere Heimat 3D

Planetary 3D

Planetary Die Erde unsere Heimat

Planetary Die Erde unsere Heimat 3D


16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

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