Santa Claus Conquers The Martians

- 96:29

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As KID-TV visits Santa Claus' famous North Pole toy workshop, the program is watched in wonder by two sad-eyed Martian children. Their father is worried, so he leads on expeditionary force to earth. Their mission: to kidnap Father Christmas and take him back to Mars. Their first earth contacts are brother and sister Billy and Betty Foster, who not only help the Martians find the North Pole, but also make the return journey to Mans with Sanka on board. For the moment it seems, the Martians have conquered Santa Claus. But the tables are about to be turned... Regarded as one of the most memorable "cult films" of all time, Santa Claus Conquers The Martians is an imaginatively "trippy" and delightful low-budget holiday fantasy.
