Plan Z
Available on Prime Video, iTunes
Political unrest. The ebola virus hitting certain countries hard. Strong military and police presence. The signs are everywhere, something bad is coming, something no one expected, except Craig. Craig has a plan. A Plan Z. When trouble breaks out and a new virus causes those who are attacked to rise from the dead, Craig actions his plan and begins a journey that will take him to some very dark places. As a lone cell phone vibrates, will he help his friend on the other end, or will he ignore it. The people in the street who need sanctuary? Will he heed their call, or will he lock the door? How far does his plan take him? Who will survive? How will they survive? What would you do? What would you feel? What will be the emotional toll? Prepare for answers. Prepare for a plan.... A Plan Z.
Starring Stuart Brennan, Mark Paul Wake, Victoria Morrison
Director Stuart Brennan