The Hidden Tiger

  • 9 10
  • 2014
  • 94min
The Hidden Tiger
  • Original Title: The Hidden Tiger (2016)

The film follows four young Brazilians around their humble neighborhood where they live between work and fun, crime and hope.

The Hidden Tiger

AWARDS: Best Film. Mostra de Tiradentes/ Best Film. Cachoeiradoc/ Best Film. Critics Award. Olhar de cinema/ Best Director, Best Film. Fronteira/ Jury's Special Prize: Nueva Mirada Award. Semana dos realizadores

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS: Mostra de cinema de Tiradentes/ Olhar de Cinema/ Fronteira/ Cachoeiradoc/ Semana dos realizadores/ Cineesquemanovo/ Festival de cinema itinerante de língua portuguesa/ Cosquin Independent Film Festival/ Encuentros del otro cine/ Hamburg Filmfest/ Lussasdoc

The Hidden Tiger. The animal instinct in ourselves

Juninho, Minor, Neguinho, Adilson and Eldo are young dwellers of Nacional's neighborhood, Contagem's suburb.

The director Affonso Uchoa uses an observational approach to follow the boys around their humble neighborhood as they talk about life, sing a rock song or walk in the streets.

Divided between work and fun, crime and hope, each one of them will have to find ways to overcome the obstacle and tame the tiger that they bring inside their veins.

Affonso Uchoa
Affonso Uchoa Director

Production Companies

Vasto Mundo

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