Людина з фотоапаратом
Людина з фотоапаратом
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Man with a photo camera

Vitalii Kikot
2018 year

The year is 1990 and the Ukrainian Republic is on the path of self-identification. A photographer from the criminal forensics department, Aristarkh, dreams of building a career as a professional art photographer. To achieve the desired results in his photography, he must take radical measures. In an environment of social instability, his work is seen as a waste of time. The young artist’s breakthroughs are supported only by his “models”. Indeed, they can’t act in any other way as they have become victims of inescapable circumstances.

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Ksenia Tryhubenko
Дуже сподобались кадри і ракурси, максимум атмосферні. Трошки іноді гра акторів другого плану ненатуральною була. Загалом фільм класний. Холчу подивитись "людина з кіноапаратом" Вертова, цікаво, чи були в цьому фільмі омажі на нього. Фільм сподобався!