The Haunted School
Since Lap Lan Secondary School had undergo a fire ten years ago. Without any reasons there are always a silhouette show on the wall and someone is singing in the middle of the night. All different kind of scary and horrible rumors are spread around the school. Lap Lan Secondary School is a girl school, however, under the education policy, Goh Keung, Charles, Ben and Dick are assigned to Lap Lan Secondary School to continuous their secondary school education. Four boys among the boring boarding school girl, which make their school life full of excitement. Love and rebellion are the given right of the youngster. No matter how the Dean of the school has forbidden them but the playboy Dick and bad girl Ah Sze are still chime in easily. Ben falls in love with his old schoolmate Ah Fong. Charles, who is excellent in character and learning is also started his first puppy love with Cat. Moreover, the School Prefect Yat Man is an inflexible and discipline girl which is seeing her schoolmates are fall in love happily and started to pay attention to eccentric and unsociable boy, Goh Keung. After the secret party of the boys and girls, all the lovers are fall in love more deeply and crazily. The love affairs among school which have switch on the curse hidden ten years ago.Dick, Ah Sze and Cat are missing and found dead bizarrely. The incident has make Goh Keung and Yat Man almost cracking down. They decided to challenge the rule of [Forbidden to Fall in Love] which is the unreasonable school regulation to against the nature of love. At the mean time, the old school office which is damage by the blaze ten years ago has show up again and the ghost of the Dean of the school is stepping out from nowhere, closer and closer...step by step...
Starring Amanda Lee, Theresa Fu Wing, Chui Tien-You
Director Chin Man Kei