Somos novios
A young and dreamer publicist, whose advisor or buddy is another young man who spends his life writing songs, aspires to glory. And as the glory, in our times, is very close to all that relating to art, music, youth and television, the two dreamers are at every moment one step from triumph or two meters away from total ruin and prison. But with wit, daring, and a bit of mischief, but specially with constancy, everyone can succeed. There's also a very cute girl who makes her living as a saleswoman in a record company, but she dreams about being the interpreter of the hits of the time, a task that they encourage her to take. Musician, singer and promoter, manage to become the youth music world's axis.
Hauptdarsteller:innen Palito Ortega, Angélica María, Armando Manzanero
Regie Enrique Carreras