
Jamie's Super Food Family Classics

In Jamie’s Super Food Family Classics, world-renowned chef, Jamie Oliver, is on a mission to freshen up all our family favourites to ensure they are packed with goodness, nutritionally balanced and, of course, super-achievable to put together helping everyone lead healthier, happier lives. Jamie will arm you with the knowledge to create nutrition-packed recipes at home – these are ultimate family favourites and classic comfort food dishes that the whole family will enjoy.

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Episodes Season 1

  • 1. Episode 1

    In the first programme, Jamie continues his super-food journey around the world. His travels take him to Sardinia, where he’s amazed by a rare local pasta and the skills needed to create it. In Switzerland, he cycles through stunning scenery to a legendary Swiss chard lunch, and in South Korea he tastes one of 167 types of fermented kimchi, the national dish.

  • 2. Episode 2

    In the second programme, Jamie makes a splash foraging for the freshest seafood with South Korea’s mermaids of the sea, and visits a Swiss family’s treasured orchards to find out why an apple a day might just keep the doctor away.

  • 3. Episode 3

    In the third programme, Jamie marvels at the Swiss’ willingness to wild swim in freezing Alpine lakes, joins a Sardinian fishing family for a freshly-caught lunch at sea and is completely stunned to meet the oldest woman in Korea.

  • 4. Episode 4

    In the fourth programme, Jamie gets up close with cows in the Swiss mountains and hears how Alpine grass makes all the difference to their prized milk. In a Sardinian family’s vineyard, he learns how the hot days and cold nights make for an unusually healthy wine – and enjoys a cheers over a large family lunch. And in the quiet of a mushroom farm high in the South Korean hills, a simple cook reveals the earthy meatiness of an organic shiitake.

  • 5. Episode 5

    In the fifth episode, on the sunny island of Sardinia, Jamie meets a tomato-farming family, proud of special tomato that’s so tasty it needs no salt, and in South Korea, he joins the matriarchs of a family bakery making a constant supply of a popular red bean cake.

  • 6. Episode 6

    In this episode, Jamie sees how ubiquitous the sesame seed is in South Korean cooking when he tucks into their barbecue black pork delicacy, and in Switzerland he heads into the world of Willy Wonka, exploring the country’s premier chocolate factory. Plus, in sunny Sardinia, he discovers that the humble fava bean could be responsible for the healthy and active old age of the local shepherds.

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