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PG: Psycho Goreman

PG: Psycho Goreman

Directed by Steven Kostanski

Mimi and Luke resurrect an alien overlord and, using the magical amulet they discovered, force him to obey their childish whims. It isn’t long before intergalactic friends and foes converge in suburbia to battle for the fate of the galaxy.

Mimi and Luke resurrect an alien overlord, inadvertently summoning his intergalactic friends and foes to battle for the fate of the galaxy.

Cast: Nita-Josee Hanna, Owen Myre, Matthew Ninaber

Member Reviews


6 days ago

Great effects and fights, the final fight where Psycho Goreman constructs a Soul Edge was absurdly awesome. More of a whacky comedy than a real horror, this movie gives the sense of an extremely dense universe and delivers on spectacular over-the-top kills and even more over-the-top humor. Biggest complaint is the main human character Mimi, while precocious, can get very unlikable very quickly. I wouldn't blame this on child actress Nita-Josee Hanna, who gives the role her all and feels very natural even when given absurd lines. Instead this problem feels at the script or direction level, they should have tried a bit harder to redeem Mimi instead of constantly doubling-down on her "You can't tell me what to do!" attitude even as it comes back to bite her.

1 week ago

loved the costumes and effects, fun movie!

1 week ago

Fun movie!! Just don't take it too seriously and enjoy the ride

1 week ago

I tried and tried but I can't with the mimi girl so cringe. I can never get pass 20min because of her. she's that child u wanna slap for how insufferable she is

1 week ago