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The Devil's Doorway

The Devil's Doorway

Directed by Aislinn Clarke

In 1960, two priests are sent to investigate a miracle in an Irish home for unwed mothers only to discover that one of the residents is possessed by the devil.

An unwed mother is possessed by the devil.

Cast: Lalor Roddy, Ciaran Flynn, Helena Bereen, Lauren Coe

Member Reviews

Don’t be swayed away by the bad reviews. The way this movie was shot, the acting & the atmosphere was fantastic. Highly recommend giving this a watch.

1 week ago

It was good. Very predictable but not bad. The sound and overall atmosphere was cool.

2 weeks ago

it was good

3 weeks ago

I truly enjoyed the narrative that drove this film. The introduction spoke about "Magdalene Laundries" , where these women and girls shunned by society were thrown here to be forgotten to maintain a "pure" image for the Catholic Church. This story was very well strung together, but I have grievances. This film has adopted many clichés of the supernatural genre, which takes away from the grim reality this film is based on. The pacing felt "off" and the scares were lackluster. That being said, I still enjoyed The Devil's Doorway and the story that was woven. I just wished the horror aspect would be as unique as the narrative.

1 month ago

Terribly predictable. The most horrifying part is that the Catholic Church is real and destroys the lives of women and children daily.

1 month ago