Mind Meld: Secrets Behind the Voyage of a Lifetime
Mind Meld: Secrets Behind the Voyage of a Lifetime is an unprecedented examination of the impact the Star Trek experience has had on the franchise's most celebrated participants - William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. These two stars have arguably embodied the brightest icons in the sci-fi universe; Shatner as passionate Captain James T. Kirk, and Nimoy as logical minded, half Vulcan Mr. Spock. Now, in a candid conversation at Nimoy's Beverly Hills home, these two icons of popular culture share with each other, and the viewers, the behind-the-scenes adventures of one of the greatest franchises in entertainment history. Most of all, these two passionate actors reveal the incredible bond that was the cornerstone of their success; the trust, the friendship and the ability to consistently challenge each other to boldly go where neither man has gone before.
Starring William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Billy West
Director Peter Jayson