April Flowers
A Mystery author. An anonymous love. April (Celina Jade) discovers an anonymous journal on the New York City subway. She's captivated by the book's content and sets out to return the journal, and meet the mysterious author who’s enchanted her. Aided in her quest by her best friend Laura (Kate Middleton), a harsh realist, April is led on a journey across scenic New York. She happens across quirky characters filling her with rich life lessons. These include the man mistaking her "lost and found" craigslist post for a role-play scenario, to an elderly man having created a gravesite of painted rocks commemorating deceased pop-culture figures. All-the-while the fantasy of this unknown author continues to grow. Complications arise after April mistakes Jared (Jon Fletcher) for the anonymous author, leading to the beginning of a romantic relationship. Yet April finds herself unable to shake the thought of this "other man" she carries around in her purse. Haunted by bad dreams and burdened with guilt, she continues her search while simultaneously "committing" to Jared.
Starring Celina Jade, Keir Dullea, Jon Fletcher
Director Christopher Tedrick