Changing Partner
The Stanley Ripper hits the headlines when policeman Wong is at the worst of his times. His wife who is successful in business has left him since he hasn't won any promotion in 10 years. But his superiors decide to give him another chance. He has to be the bait for the Ripper who has been raping and killing young couples in Stanley. So Wong moves to a house in Stanley with brash Sandra. They pose as a newly wed couple. But they hate each other's guts. In the process, Wong pities Sandra whose boyfriend leaves her and Sandra pities Wong for being gentle but ineffective. But Wong's wife relents and comes to join them. Wong finds himself between the contention of two very jealous women.Finally, the Ripper strikes. Wong shows his true mettle and wins the day. But Sandra, dear Sandra, is permanently lost.
Starring Sandra Kwan Yue Ng, Chan Friend, Carrie Ng
Director Andy Chin