The Plus One
Luke and Lizzie and their loved ones head to Clearwater, Florida for their wedding. Lizzie’s “Male of Honor” Marshall has recently broken up with his on again off again girlfriend Marie and written on his invitation is “Marshall Mathers + one (anyone but Marie James).” Marshall brings her anyway. As soon as she arrives, she begins stealing the limelight from Lizzie every chance she gets and Lizzie embarks on a rampage to prove how awful Marie is to everyone, but most importantly, to Marshall. Marie’s devious ways are finally revealed the morning of the wedding when we discover she has “become a lesbian” with Marshall’s boss’s girlfriend because she thought it would help her get ahead in the music industry. Our bride, groom, and group of friends formulate a plan to humiliate Marie and get her out of their lives once and for all.
Starring Ashanti, Michelle Hurd, Cedric the Entertainer
Director Erik White