The Unabridged Mrs. Vera's Daybook
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The Unabridged Mrs. Vera’s Daybook tells a story of activism, art, and love, through the work of David Faulk and Michael Johnstone, two San Francisco artists and long-term AIDS survivors. During one of the darkest periods in US History, the two men decide to bring joy and color to a broken community. Taking to the streets bedecked in glitter, baubles, and recycled plastic, the two form a cadre of colorful kindred spirits they call The Verasphere. Supporters, fellow activists and members of the queer art community join the film to paint a vivid portrait of perseverance, compassion and outrageous dime-store fashion. Having received the coveted Community Grand Marshall appointment for the SF Pride Parade in 2019, our film subjects confront a new pandemic and celebrate 25 years of making sensational art together.

Información adicional


Robert James

Estudio de filmación

Gravitas Ventures


English (CC)

Año de lanzamiento



1 h 20 min




4.53 GB (1080p HD)
2.84 GB (720p HD)
2.27 GB (SD)

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