
The Fifth Estate

The Fifth Estate brings in-depth investigations that matter to Canadians – delivering a dazzling parade of political leaders, controversial characters, and ordinary people whose lives were touched.

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Episodes Season 36

  • Above Suspicion

    The shocking case of Colonel Russell Williams.

  • Enemies of the State

    A top secret plan that targeted Canadians who were labelled enemies of the state.

  • Above Suspicion: the Confession

    In a special edition of the fifth estate Bob McKeown decodes the shocking confession of Colonel Russell Williams.

  • The Life and Death of Abdinasir Dirie

    Who really killed Abdinasir Dirie? A heart-rending story from inside Canada's Somali community.

  • Behind the Wall

    Abuse and cover-up behind our prison walls. Stories from the people who saw it everyday.

  • Justice for Nadia

    Bob McKeown's investigation into Nadia Kajouji's tragic death led the fifth estate on an international hunt for an internet predator. McKeown now returns to Nadia's story as a "Cyberpath" is about to face justice in a precedent-setting case.

  • The Devil You Know

    Hate the Crime, love the Con. No matter how bad the crime, it seems there are always women who stand by their man.

  • Getting Off Easy

    White collar criminals waltz away from hard time.

  • My Friend the Bank Robber

    Bob McKeown traces the career of and his friendship with the always fascinating, charismatic, and confounding Stephen Reid.

  • A Question of Innocence

    Linden MacIntyre examines how evidence can acquit as well as convict.

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