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The Company of Wolves

The Company of Wolves

Directed by Neil Jordan

A wise grandmother (Angela Lansbury) tells her granddaughter Rosaleen (Sarah Patterson) a disturbing tale of innocent maidens falling in love with handsome strangers ... and of their sudden mysterious disappearances when the moon is full and accompanied by the strange sound of a beast in the woods.

Fascinating and imaginative, this riveting thriller from director Neil Jordan brings the timeless tale of "Little Red Riding Hood" and werewolf fables together in a haunting, compelling and eerie way.

Cast: Sarah Patterson, Angela Lansbury, David Warner, Graham Crowden, Brian Glover

Member Reviews

Saw this when I was a kid, remembered liking it even then, though I'd forgotten most of the details. Watched again recently, and there's even more to appreciate as an adult. Not the "scariest" or most horrific film here by a long shot, but there's a lot to love here. Dark and atmospheric, and surprisingly good effects you might not expect from an English film from the period (no offense to the English, just lower budgets in general). The story is quite rich, weaving together classic werewolf lore, symbolism, and the Red Riding Hood tale. Dark enough for grownups, but also probably mild enough to let all but your youngest or most sensitive children watch for maybe a Halloween season movie evening. This movie is both a good horror film and a work of art.

15 hours ago

kind of drags but if you want moody and nostalgic this'll scratch the itch.

5 days ago

The 80s had a Mayfield Parrish dreamy music video vibe somewhere between Legend and that Nestle white chocolate commercial. This movie utilizes that fractured fairytale feeling to the fullest.

4 weeks ago

I was surprised by this movie. It gives that very dark and dreamy vibe that The Brother's Grimm did, and while the boa constrictors in the snow were a bit distracting and the plot got lost on me and I had to rewind a couple of times, I was overall very entertained by this beautiful trip of a movie. Also, Angela Lansbury's porcelain head... That's all.

1 month ago

best werewolf transformation ive ever seen. extremely dreamy movie. fantastic.

1 month ago