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Directed by Jean Luc Herbulot

Shot down after fleeing a coup and extracting a drug lord from Guinea-Bissau, the legendary mercenaries known as the Bangui Hyenas must stash their stolen gold bounty, lay low long enough to repair and refuel their plane and escape back to Dakar, Senegal. When they take refuge at a holiday camp in the coastal region of Sine-Saloum, they do their best to blend in with their fellow guests; but one Hyena is hiding a dark secret. He has brought them there for a reason and once his past catches up to him, his decisions have devastating consequences, threatening to unleash hell on them all. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL.

A legendary trio of on-the-run mercenaries carrying a stolen gold bounty and a kidnapped drug lord take refuge in a remote and mystical area of Senegal, where dark ancestral forces unleash hell on them all.

Cast: Yann Gael, Evelyne Ily Juhen, Roger Sallah, Mentor Ba, Bruno Henry

Member Reviews

It's a good movie, but somewhat boring. I give it a 3.

3 days ago

Clever little supernatural thriller with a unique setting, gorgeous cinematography, and smart writing. I'd love to see a prequel or graphic novel about the other exploits of the Hyenas.

1 week ago

2/5, with the potential to be 5/5. It is such a cool story, such a unique setting, with amazing characters. It just had some suspension of disbelief issues. I would love to see a followup film by the same team

3 weeks ago

Loved this movie. A bit fast paced, which prompted a lot of googling into the history and culture of the film's setting, which I'm not mad about. Good acting, good story, big fan.

1 month ago

Great movie! Loved the character designs, the director definitely wears his influences on his sleeve and they come together to create a really unique movie experience!

1 month ago