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Carnival of Souls

Carnival of Souls

Directed by Herk Harvey

A woman begins seeing mysterious ghostly figures following her after a car crash in this creepy cult classic from 1962 which anticipates the films of George Romero and David Lynch. After specializing in industrial films, director Herk Harvey (who plays one of the ghouls) poured his heart and soul into what would be his only narrative feature. But after an initial box office failure, CARNIVAL became a cult classic to future generations, who connected with the film's atmospheric TWILIGHT ZONE-meets-Ingmar Bergman style. A must-see film for any horror fan.

A woman begins seeing mysterious ghostly figures following her after a car crash.

Cast: Candace Hilligoss, Frances Feist, Sidney Berger

Member Reviews

found this after watching Ghost! After watching the show..this movie was that much better..the eerieness..the music...just added to the craziness.i these old movies..specially when they something attached to it..makes me want to go to Utah and find ...THE SALTAIR...

2 weeks ago

I could not get past the idea that she was just having hallucinations.

3 weeks ago

I really enjoyed this film. It has a spooky quality that is genuine. The no-budget aesthetic only adds to the ambiance. If you profess to love horror and don't like this movie then there's something wrong with you.

3 weeks ago

Dreadful even in the terms of 1960’s movies. I see nothing to make this a cult classic. The acting is dreadful and the story nonexistent.

1 month ago

A hypnotic, impressionistic, and gothic trip into the mind of a woman lost in the liminal maze of existence.

1 month ago