The Living Legend, Pt. 1

The Living Legend, Pt. 1

S1 E12: Humanity is threatened with annihilation when Adama engages in a fierce conflict with the hot-blooded commander of another battlestar, who's obsessed with leading both ships in a suicidal attack on the Cylons. In "The Living Legend” - Part I, a dangerous deep space probe leads Apollo and Starbuck to an incredible encounter with the battlestar, Pegasus, her 220-spaceship fleet, and Commander Cain, the greatest military commander in the history of the Colonial government. Excitement runs high as the two intergalactic fleets merge in celebration. When Cylon forces discover the two fleets, Commander Cain wants to meet them in battle rather than try to outrun them, which leads to a power struggle between Adama and Cain.
Starring Jack Stauffer, Rod Haase, Lloyd Bridges