Made in Japan / Made in Japan 2

Made in Japan / Made in Japan 2

S2 E12: Bumpy's ordered a really cool, neat, humungous toy robot from the back of a breakfast cereal box. Boy, is it gonna be great! Squishington is kinda worried, though. The robot looks very big, massive and threatening. To Squish's relief (and Bumpy's bummer), the robot when it arrives, turns out to be a little cute mechanical droid, not a big, threatening robot. Unfortunately, late that night, something big and threatening is howling to the skies. Is it the giant robot? And how did it get in the house?! No one will believe Squish, because all they see is the little cute droid. A dark and terrible secret is revealed at the end, but you'll have to watch it to find out what. / Squish's computer pen-pal, the Little Robot, must flee for her life over the telephone wires when a complete recall is put into effect all little robots must be destroyed! Hiding out with our gang, the Little Robod is acclimated to Americanism and good clean fun by none other than Mr. Bumpy! Unbeknownst to anyone, an evil Turbo Totro-noid is sent after the Little Robot. Will our heroes survive the onslaught of this unstoppable engine of destruction? Only love can conquer all.