Penny for Your Thoughts / Farewell 2 Arms

Penny for Your Thoughts / Farewell 2 Arms

Available on Tubi TV
S1 E10: When Bumpy wants money desperately, he gloms onto the phrase A Penny For Your Thoughts, and begins thinking furiously. Loa and behold, pennies begin to fall from heaven. Bumpy turns into a regular Al Einstein. He's rich!! Unfortunately, once started, he can't stop thinking like King Midas, Bumpy's wish turns into a nightmare. Will Bumpy think of a way to stop thinking before he's permanently tattooed with Lincolns? / Molly Coddle makes a "new woman out of herself, piece by piece. First a gorilla arm, then a hairdryer arm, then the leg of Action Man. Suddenly, Molly is no longer the sweet wonderful comfort doll she always was, but a horrible power-crazed monster doll!! Will good triumph over evil? Will kindness win out in the end? I don't know, after all, this is Bump In The Night. Karaoke Cafe Song Socks