A Bad Case of the Buglies / Control Issues

A Bad Case of the Buglies / Control Issues

S2 E5: A Bad Case of the Buglies: Carl casts a "repulsification" spell on the twins, which Yang thinks is cool but Yin has a harder time coping with. While Master Yo tries to conjure up a cure for the Buglies - Bunny Uglies - Yin and Yang must deal with the fickle townspeople who are scared and dismissive of the now-repulsive-rabbits. Being a Woo Foo hero can't be all about image can it? / Control Issues: The allegedly reformed Ultimoose's "Ultimate Moose Fitness" club accepts Yang in an effort to teach him a zen sense of self-control. But when Ultimooses' pupils, under his mind control, start a crime wave, Yin and Yang have to figure out a way to stop them! But because everyone attacking Yin and Yang are innocent, Yang finds himself having control himself and defuse the situation as non-violently as possible.