Hacksaw Ridge
故事改編自第二次世界大戰軍醫戴斯蒙杜斯的真實經歷。1945年春天,二戰隨著太平洋戰事進入最後階段,但在沖繩島的美軍遭遇前所未見的慘烈苦戰,雙方傷亡人數超過16萬人!一名士兵戴斯蒙杜斯因信仰而拒絕拿任何武器上戰場,數度被同袍恥笑霸凌。但當上級下達撤退命令,部隊所有人都離開時,他卻獨自留下來,憑藉一己之力來回穿梭於槍林彈雨之中,拯救了75名重傷同袍的生命。同年10月杜斯從杜魯門總統手中接過榮譽勳章,成為美國史上最偉大的二戰英雄。HACKSAW RIDGE is the extraordinary true story of Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield) who, in Okinawa during the bloodiest battle of WWII, saved 75 men without firing or carrying a gun. He was the only American soldier in WWII to fight on the front lines without a weapon, as he believed that while the war was justified, killing was nevertheless wrong. As an army medic, he single-handedly evacuated the wounded from behind enemy lines, braved fire while tending to soldiers, was wounded by a grenade, and hit by snipers. Doss was the first conscientious objector to ever earn the Congressional Medal of Honor.
主演 安德魯·加菲、山姆·沃辛頓、文斯范恩
導演 梅爾.吉勃遜