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Directed by Lamberto Bava

Horror movie audience members turn into bloodthirsty demons in this essential Euro-horror entry from Lamberto Bava (Mario Bava's son) and co-writer Dario Argento (SUSPIRIA, OPERA). When a young woman begins to suffer the same symptoms as the possessed subjects of the film, she attacks other patrons, turning them into murderous monsters too. Gruesome gore, a killer 80s punk and heavy metal soundtrack and the film's vivid giallo-meets-new-wave look turned DEMONS into a cult classic, begatting several sequels including DEMONS 2 and THE CHURCH. Contains strong language, violence and gore.

A horror movie audience turns into bloodthirsty demons.

Cast: Urbano Barberini, Natasha Hovey, Karl Zinny

Member Reviews

Excellent but I didn't want the frizzy-haired blonde punk chick to die!

6 days ago

Here i am sitting in my living room thinking this is a pretty decent schlocky italian 80s horror movie when BAM dude man starts riding a dirtbike through the movie theater cutting up demons with a katana. GOLD. ABSOLUTE GOLD

1 week ago

Pure classic Italian 80s splatter cinema. Doesn’t get much better than this.

2 weeks ago

classic italian eighties horror and a lot of fun. great practical special effects, trippy meta plot line, and a crazy hair metal score. super fast pace that never lets up, there is nothing bad about this movie. if you don’t like it, why are you even paying for this app?

2 weeks ago

Pretty hilarious. I had a good time though.

2 weeks ago