Permanent Vacation

Permanent Vacation

Directed by Jim Jarmusch • 1980 • United States
Starring Chris Parker, Sara Driver, John Lurie

Jim Jarmusch’s first feature displays the first hints of the deadpan, minimalist-cool style that he would refine in his breakthrough STRANGER THAN PARADISE. Young, alienated hipster Aloysius Christopher Parker (Chris Parker) wanders an eerily vacant Manhattan searching for a sense of meaning while encountering an array of idiosyncratic characters. Downtown fixtures Sara Driver, Eric Mitchell, and John Lurie (who composed the film’s score) are among the eccentrics and vagabonds populating this existential urban odyssey.

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Permanent Vacation
  • Permanent Vacation

    Directed by Jim Jarmusch • 1980 • United States
    Starring Chris Parker, Sara Driver, John Lurie

    Jim Jarmusch’s first feature displays the first hints of the deadpan, minimalist-cool style that he would refine in his breakthrough STRANGER THAN PARADISE. Young, alienated hipster Aloysius Christophe...