The Perfect Physique
The Perfect Physique is a compelling docudrama with emotional, raw and uplifting insight into a world of strength and beauty. The film features fitness icon Greg Plitt, top fitness cover models TJ Hoban, David Kimmerle, David Morin, Colin Wayne along with IFBB Men's Physique Pro Olympian Champion Jeremy Buendia, Olympians Matt Christianer, Sadik Hadzovic, Jason Poston and Tonnell Rodrigue. We uncover what’s beneath the best bodies in the world by digging deep into their lives, how they overcame their personal adversities and internal struggles to have the drive and determination needed to get into the gym and their discipline with proper nutrition and training to acquire near perfect aesthetics. To get shredded is not an easy task and takes a daily grind both in and out of the gym. The film reveals their differences and similarities on how to lean out and build muscle to either be shoot ready for a magazine cover or fitness publication or hit the stage at the next pro show. With an extremely competitive industry hanging over their head, the pressure of being aesthetically perfect makes them relentless in the fear of being replaced. Get ready to be educated, motivated and inspired! The heart and soul of these athletes will be revealed in substance packed docudrama, The Perfect Physique.
主演 Greg Plitt、TJ Hoban、Jeremy Buendia
導演 Kandice King