Robot World
In a galaxy far, far away, an experienced shuttle pilot, Captain James, is midway through his one-man mission through deep space. Travelling amidst the stars, his sole objective is to orbit and investigate a distant planet believed to be populated by intelligent life. But when an unexpected encounter leads to a crash-landing and a spacecraft beyond repair, he is left stranded on the mysterious planet he was due to investigate. Soon however, he discovers he is not alone – a breed of predatory machines stalk his every move. With rations depleting and time running out, he has to use his ingenuity to learn how to communicate with his robot hunters in order to return to orbit, and escape a bleak and solitary future. Prepare for danger in its rawest form, as Robot World transports you to a distant realm where only one man’s determination can help him survive against all the odds.
Starring Ian Rowe, Tamsyn Pickford, Neil Rowe
Director Neil Rowe